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Source: dom/mutation.js

 * dom/mutation.js is part of Aloha Editor project http://www.alohaeditor.org
 * Aloha Editor ● JavaScript Content Editing Library
 * Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Gentics Software GmbH, Vienna, Austria.
 * Contributors http://www.alohaeditor.org/docs/contributing.html
], function (
) {
	'use strict';

	 * Inserts the given node before `ref`, unless `atEnd` is true, in which
	 * case `node` is inserted at the end of `ref` children nodes.
	 * @param {Node}    node
	 * @param {Node}    ref
	 * @param {boolean} atEnd
	 * @memberOf dom
	function insert(node, ref, atEnd) {
		if (atEnd) {
		} else {
			ref.parentNode.insertBefore(node, ref);

	 * Inserts the given node after `ref`.
	 * @param {Node} node
	 * @param {Node} ref
	 * @memberOf dom
	function insertAfter(node, ref) {
		insert(node, ref.nextSibling || ref.parentNode, !ref.nextSibling);

	 * Like insertBefore, inserts node `first` into `parent` before
	 * `reference`, except that it also inserts all the following siblings of
	 * `first`.
	 * @param {Element} parent
	 * @param {Node}    first
	 * @param {Node}    reference
	 * @memberOf dom
	function moveNextAll(parent, first, reference) {
		var next;
		while (first) {
			next = first.nextSibling;
			parent.insertBefore(first, reference);
			first = next;

	 * Insert node at end of destination.
	 * @param {Node}    node
	 * @param {Element} destination
	 * @memberOf dom
	function append(node, destination) {
		insert(node, destination, true);

	 * Applies `func` on the elements of `list` until the given predicate
	 * returns true.
	 * @private
	 * @param  {Array.<*>}           list
	 * @param  {function(*)}         func
	 * @param  {function(*):boolean} until
	 * @return {Array.<*>}           dropWhile() of the given list
	function walkUntil(list, func, until) {
		var lists = Arrays.split(list, until || Fn.returnFalse);
		return lists[1];

	 * Moves the list of nodes into the end of destination element, until
	 * `until` returns true.
	 * @param  {Array.<Nodes>}          nodes
	 * @param  {Element}                destination
	 * @param  {function(Node):boolean} until
	 * @return {Array.<Nodes>}          The nodes that were not moved
	 * @memberOf dom
	function move(nodes, destination, until) {
		return walkUntil(nodes, function (node) {
			append(node, destination);
		}, until);

	 * Copies the list of nodes into a destination element, until `until`
	 * returns true.
	 * @param  {Array.<Nodes>}          nodes
	 * @param  {Element}                destination
	 * @param  {function(Node):boolean} until
	 * @return {Array.<Nodes>}          The nodes that were not copied
	 * @memberOf dom
	function copy(nodes, destination, until) {
		return walkUntil(nodes, function (node) {
			append(Nodes.clone(node), destination);
		}, until);

	 * Moves the list of nodes before the reference element, until `until`
	 * returns true.
	 * @param  {Array.<Nodes>}          nodes
	 * @param  {Element}                reference
	 * @param  {function(Node):boolean} until
	 * @return {Array.<Nodes>}          The nodes that were not moved
	 * @memberOf dom
	function moveBefore(nodes, reference, until) {
		return walkUntil(nodes, function (node) {
			insert(node, reference, false);
		}, until);

	 * Moves the list of nodes after the reference element, until `until`
	 * returns true.
	 * @param  {Array.<Nodes>}          nodes
	 * @param  {Element}                reference
	 * @param  {function(Node):boolean} until
	 * @return {Array.<Nodes>}          The nodes that were not moved
	 * @memberOf dom
	function moveAfter(nodes, reference, until) {
		return walkUntil(nodes, function (node) {
			insertAfter(node, reference);
			reference = node;
		}, until);

	 * Replaces the given node with `replacement`.
	 * @param  {Node} node
	 * @param  {Node} replacement
	 * @return {Node} Replaced node
	 * @memberOf dom
	function replace(node, replacement) {
		return node.parentNode.replaceChild(replacement, node);

	 * Replaces the given element while preserving its contents.
	 * This function facilitates re-wrapping of contents from one element to
	 * another.
	 * The element that replaces `element` will receive all of the given
	 * element's content.
	 * @param  {Element} element
	 * @param  {Element} replacement
	 * @return {Element} Replaced element
	 * @memberOf dom
	function replaceShallow(element, replacement) {
		move(Nodes.children(element), replacement);
		return replace(element, replacement);

	 * Detaches the given node.
	 * @param {Node} node
	 * @memberOf dom
	function remove(node) {

	 * Removes the given node while keeping it's content intact.
	 * @param {Node} node
	 * @memberOf dom
	function removeShallow(node) {
		moveBefore(Nodes.children(node), node);

	 * Wraps `node` in given `wrapper` element.
	 * @param {Node}    node
	 * @param {Element} wrapper
	 * @memberOf dom
	function wrap(node, wrapper) {
		append(replace(node, wrapper), wrapper);

	 * Wrap the node with a `nodeName` element.
	 * @param  {Element} node
	 * @param  {string}  nodeName
	 * @return {Element} The wrapper element
	 * @memberOf dom
	function wrapWith(node, nodeName) {
		var wrapper = node.ownerDocument.createElement(nodeName);
		wrap(node, wrapper);
		return wrapper;

	 * Removes all children from `node`.
	 * @param {Node} node
	 * @memberOf dom
	function removeChildren(node) {

	 * Merges all contents of `right` into `left` by appending them to the end
	 * of `left`, and then removing `right`.
	 * Will not merge text nodes since this would require that ranges be
	 * preserved.
	 * @param {Node} left
	 * @param {Node} right
	 * @memberOf dom
	function merge(left, right) {
		var next;
		while (left && right && (left.nodeName === right.nodeName)) {
			if (Nodes.isTextNode(left)) {
			next = right.firstChild;
			moveNextAll(left, next, null);
			if (!next) {
			right = next;
			left = right.previousSibling;

	return {
		append            : append,
		merge             : merge,
		moveNextAll       : moveNextAll,
		moveAfter         : moveAfter,
		moveBefore        : moveBefore,
		move              : move,
		copy              : copy,
		wrap              : wrap,
		wrapWith          : wrapWith,
		insert            : insert,
		insertAfter       : insertAfter,
		replace           : replace,
		replaceShallow    : replaceShallow,
		remove            : remove,
		removeShallow     : removeShallow,
		removeChildren    : removeChildren
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