* transform/html.js is part of Aloha Editor project http://www.alohaeditor.org
* Aloha Editor ● JavaScript Content Editing Library
* Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Gentics Software GmbH, Vienna, Austria.
* Contributors http://www.alohaeditor.org/docs/contributing.html
], function (
) {
'use strict';
* Conversion of font size number into point size unit of width values (em).
* Font size numbers range from 1 to 7.
* @const
* @private
* @type {Object.<string, string>}
var FONT_SIZES = {
'1': '0.63em',
'2': '0.82em',
'3': '1em',
'4': '1.13em',
'5': '1.5em',
'6': '2em',
'7': '3em'
* Unwraps or replaces the given font element while preserving the styles it
* effected.
* @private
* @param {Element} font Must be a font element
* @return {Element}
function normalizeFont(font) {
var children = Dom.children(font);
var color = Dom.getStyle(font, 'color') || Dom.getAttr(font, 'color');
var size = Dom.getStyle(font, 'font-size') || FONT_SIZES[Dom.getAttr(font, 'size')];
var face = Dom.getStyle(font, 'font-family') || Dom.getAttr(font, 'face');
var child;
if (1 === children.length && Dom.isElementNode(children[0])) {
child = children[0];
} else {
child = font.ownerDocument.createElement('span');
Dom.move(children, child);
if (color) {
Dom.setStyle(child, 'color', color);
if (size) {
Dom.setStyle(child, 'font-size', size);
if (face) {
Dom.setStyle(child, 'font-family', face);
return child;
* Strategy:
* 1) Check if the parent of the center allows for paragraph children.
* - If it doesn't, split the element down to the first ancestor that
* does allow for a paragraph, then insert the center at the split.
* 2) replace the center node with a paragraph
* 3) add alignment styling to new paragraph
* @todo implement this function
* @private
* @param {Element} node
* @return {Element}
function normalizeCenter(node) {
return node;
* Extracts width and height attributes from the given element, and applies
* them as styles instead.
* @private
* @param {Element} img Must be an image
* @return {Element}
function normalizeImage(img) {
var width = Dom.getAttr(img, 'width');
var height = Dom.getAttr(img, 'height');
if (width) {
Dom.setStyle(img, 'width', width);
if (height) {
Dom.setStyle(img, 'height', height);
return img;
function generateWhitelist(whitelist, nodeName) {
return (whitelist['*'] || []).concat(whitelist[nodeName] || []);
* Removes all disallowed attributes from the given node.
* @private
* @param {Editable} editable
* @param {Node} node
* @return {Node}
function normalizeAttributes(allowedAttributes, node) {
var permitted = generateWhitelist(allowedAttributes, node.nodeName);
var attrs = Maps.keys(Dom.attrs(node));
var allowed = Arrays.intersect(permitted, attrs);
var disallowed = Arrays.difference(attrs, allowed);
disallowed.forEach(Fn.partial(Dom.removeAttr, node));
* Removes all disallowed styles from the given node.
* @private
* @param {Editable} editable
* @param {Node} node
function normalizeStyles(allowedStyles, node) {
var permitted = generateWhitelist(allowedStyles, node.nodeName);
// Because '*' means that all styles are permitted
if (Arrays.contains(permitted, '*')) {
var styles = permitted.reduce(function (map, name) {
map[name] = Dom.getStyle(node, name);
return map;
}, {});
Dom.removeAttr(node, 'style');
Maps.forEach(styles, function (value, key) {
if (value) {
Dom.setStyle(node, key, value);
* Unwrap spans that have not attributes.
* @private
* @param {Node} node
* @return {Node|Fragment}
function normalizeSpan(node) {
if (Dom.hasAttrs(node)) {
return node;
var fragment = node.ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment();
Dom.move(Dom.children(node), fragment);
return fragment;
* Runs the appropriate cleaning processes on the given node based on its
* type. The returned node will not necessarily be of the same type as that
* of the given (eg: <font> => <span>).
* @private
* @param {Editable} editable
* @param {Node} node
* @return {Array.<Node>}
function clean(rules, node) {
node = Dom.clone(node);
if (Dom.isTextNode(node)) {
return [node];
var cleaned;
switch (node.nodeName) {
case 'IMG':
cleaned = normalizeImage(node);
case 'FONT':
cleaned = node;
// Because <font> elements may be nested
do {
cleaned = normalizeFont(cleaned);
} while ('FONT' === cleaned.nodeName);
case 'CENTER':
cleaned = normalizeCenter(node);
cleaned = node;
if (Dom.isFragmentNode(cleaned)) {
return [cleaned];
normalizeAttributes(rules.allowedAttributes, cleaned);
normalizeStyles(rules.allowedStyles, cleaned);
if ('SPAN' === cleaned.nodeName) {
cleaned = normalizeSpan(cleaned);
var kids = Dom.children(cleaned);
var i;
for (i = 0; i < kids.length; i++) {
if (!Content.allowsNesting(cleaned.nodeName, kids[i].nodeName)) {
return kids;
return [cleaned];
* Transforms html markup to normalized HTML.
* @param {string} markup
* @param {Document} document
* @param {Object} rules
* @return {string}
* @alias html
* @memberOf transform
function transform(markup, doc, rules) {
if (!rules) {
rules = Utils.DEFAULT_RULES;
var fragment = doc.createDocumentFragment();
Dom.move(Html.parse(Utils.extract(markup), doc), fragment);
return Dom.outerHtml(Utils.normalize(rules, fragment, clean));
return {
transform : transform